Ed Table

An Innovative Table for the Innovative Mind

With breakthrough solutions packed into every inch, the Ed Table truly embodies the inventor’s spirit – providing the most complete maker experience available. Maximizing creative time while minimizing the amount of logistical preparation work and clean-up was the driving factor behind the design concept. For schools and teachers interested in project-based learning, the Ed Table is a natural extension and fundamental element for engaging learners.


  • Magnetic tool storage
  • Integrated clean up
  • Integrated power & USB
  • Built-in storage

Available in two heights

  • Standard: 84″ L x 48″ W x 42″ H
  • Compact: 84″ L x 48″ W x 36″ H


Finish Selections for the Ed Table

Ed Table Image

Seating selections for the Ed Table


Providing insight, selection, installation, and ongoing support of the latest educational and career technology.

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For more information or to contact Aidex East, your Authorized CEF Reseller, call 800.522.0460 or email info@aidexeast.com