Hydraulics Trainer

The STEM learning package has been designed to provide practical real world problem solving tasks and activities within the classroom or lab environment. The Hydraulics Trainer offers a classroom-based resource for practical investigation of hydraulic components and systems.

The trainer consists of a rig and push fit hydraulic hoses to allow rapid circuit connection and setup. Students can investigate cylinders and valves in a variety of circuit configurations and input pressures. This resource is supplied with a digital curriculum containing practical tasks and activities, as well as tutor support materials.

The trainer can also be used in conjunction with our optional cloud-based software packages, which offers online practical tasks as well as interactive theory presentations, investigations, and assessments, which link directly to the practical activities carried out using this resource.

Hydraulic Components

  • Pressure regulator
  • In-line pressure gauge
  • Flow meter
  • Flow control valve
  • Check valves (2)
  • T-connectors (3)
  • 5-port valve
  • Small double-acting cylinder
  • Internal hydraulic pump
  • Pump load gauge

Items included:

  • Hydraulics unit
  • Hydraulic hose set
  • Accessory kit
  • Lever and mass set
  • Drip tray
  • Hydraulic fluid
  • Digital Curriculum

Other items required:

  • LJ Create Engineering or Technology Content (Opotional)
  • Computer
  • Fluid Power Student Resource Pack 278-01
Hydraulics Trainer Image

General Information

  • Power requirements: 110 – 240V  50-60Hz
  • Packed volume: approx. 0.21 m3
  • Packed weight: approx. 27 kg


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