Electronic Circuits Trainer

Hands-on learning

LJ Create’s STEM learning packages have been designed to provide practical, real world, problem solving tasks and activities within the classroom or lab environment.

Hands-on learning is provided by the included digital curriculum content. This easy to use software also contains theory presentations, virtual investigations, and support materials to underpin the practical tasks.

The Electronic Circuits hardware can be used for class demonstrations as well as offering student practical circuit design and build activities either individually or in small groups.

The trainer includes:

  • Electronic Circuits Hardware Pack
    • Electronics patching board
    • Power Supply Mounted component set
    • Connection lead set
    • Headphones
    • Digital Curriculum (Site License)

Other items required:

  • Computer
  • Digital Multimeter
  • Oscilloscope

Related Items:

  • Digital Curriculum (Cloud-based)
  • Learning Management System
Electronic Circuits Trainer Image

General Information

  • Power Requirements: 110 – 240V  50-60Hz
  • Packed Volume: Approx. 0.01 m3
  • Packed Weight: Approx. 2.8 kg


Providing insight, selection, installation, and ongoing support of the latest educational and career technology.

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